Friday, September 17, 2010

Project FoodBlog Challenge #1: What defines my Food Blog???

Well... where to start? I originally began posting my recipes online as a quick resource for myself and my family to access our favorite recipes - A great solution to having a pile of 20 different cook books sitting on the kitchen counter, when people asked me what exactly I cook at home I realised I couldn't exactly remember myself, it has been fun looking back at the different foods I have concocted, but to define it???? I suppose I could ramble on for another 800 words but I feel my food and blog is best defined below, just press play!!.

I would love to hear what you think... DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW THE WIDGET ON THE RIGHT TO VOTE FOR ME ON THE 20th!!!!!!!


  1. Ah some good memories in there. Most of which were shared over meals. Well done Beck and good luck!

  2. How fantastic! I really love that you capture the fun and laughter in your food journey! well done Beck. love love love it!!!

  3. Becky, this was soo great to watch!! I love it and all of the kids were sitting around me watching it too saying how cool it is. Good luck, we will be voting for you!! Mel

  4. Love Love love this.. Very inspiring!!!
    Good luck!!!!

  5. MRS HUGHES! I voted for you! :) Your food is amazing!
