Monday, September 20, 2010

And the Voting Begins

The Voting Booths are officially open.!!!!

If you go to and click on the "Project Food Blog", All the contestants will appear and you can click on a button on the top of the page to sort them alphabetically. This sorts the entries alphabetically through their blog titles- as you can tell from my blog my title is "From Our Tummies to Yours".

After looking at the voting system it appears that you need to be a member of "Foodbuzz" to participate in the voting. Don't be scared off by this, FoodBuzz is like facebook for food people, it's a great resource for you if you are looking up for different recipes.

Cross your fingers and wish me luck that I make it through to the next round.. because the next round looks like a alot of fun to me!
p.s. the picture for my entry is the same as the picture in the slideshow below.
(just so you know how to recognise it)

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