Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Momo meatballs, Garlic Cream Achar Sauce and Fettucine with Toasted Cashews and Feta Cheese

Momo Meatballs!

During my PFB Challenge #2 I had quite alot of leftover Momo filling mix, and just a little bit of my Tomato Achar. (if you are confused.. go read my post on food from Nepal!!) So .. being me I thought, how can I make this into another completely different meal. (my hubby doesn't like eating the same food more than once a week).
I already had everything from my momo meal all I added to it was cream, a little milk, and fettuccine. Who knew Nepalese food would go so well with Italian.! Not quite curry, not quite Italian meatball this is an entirely ME recipe and it ROCKS!

a couple of cups of left over Momo Filling (see momo recipe)

1 1/2 cups of bread crumbs
1 egg
1/2 cup Tomato Achar (See tomato achar recipe)
1 1/2 cups whipping cream
2 TBS all purpose flour
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 TBS Vegetable Oil
2 TBS Chopped Garlic
6 TBS Butter
1 pckt Fettucine Pasta


In a large bowl combine the bread crumbs, egg and momo filling and mix thoroughly.
Roll into small 1 inch meat balls.

Now is a great time to start heating your water for your fettuccine. Cook according to packet directions.

Heat up a large pan, spray non stick spray before placing meatballs.
Cook meatballs until browned and crispy on the outside. Remove from pan.


In a small sauce pan heat on very low 2 TBS of butter, add garlic and cumin seeds and allow it to sweat and saute for about 7 minutes, watch not to burn garlic.
In your large fry pan heat up remaining butter on medium low heat.  
Sprinkle over it the flour and whisk it in so there are no lumps.

Whisk in the cream and also add the garlic and cumin mixture.
As the sauce thickens add in the milk to thin it out a bit, add your Achar and let the sauce simmer for 1 minute, put your meatballs back into the mix and simmer 5 minutes on low heat.

In your small sauce pan toast the cashews until starting to release flavor and brown slightly.  Add the feta cheese and let it melt slightly before removing from heat.

Place a small serving of pasta on plate, place your meatballs and sauce mixture, then top with Cashews and feta.
I can't even describe this dish.. you really will just have to make it!

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