Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Vote... in case you have forgotten!

Hey every one.
Voting for round two is now open to the public for the next couple days. The competition went from 2000 to 400 ... OUCH! I am so happy to make it through that round and now it's up to round two. They will be cutting the competition in half.. down to 200 after this.
If you would like to vote for me follow this link.(copy and paste it into your browser)

Click on the heart to vote for my challenge post.
All voting aside I would really just LOVE to hear your comments and thoughts on my post on the Nepali food I fed my family.
Feel free to write me with any questions.


  1. YAY momos!! I wonder what the difference between Tibetan ones and Nepalese ones are...probably not much. But yours looked cute! And you made a whole selection of other stuff too!

    Voting! :-)

  2. From what I can see they are really similar. Tibet and Nepal are neighboring territories so I think they pull alot of the same influences as each other. Such a great mix of Asia meets India kind of food.
    I never quite mastered the round/circular momo's .. stuck with this other style.
    great minds think alike right! All the best to you.
