Friday, August 20, 2010

Grilled Mushroom, Potato and Bacon Hot Toss

A great and extremely flavorful side to your BBQ dishes. Easily place it on the side of your grill while your main dish is cooking.
1 tub Button mushrooms chopped to preferred size (about 1 inch cubed - see picture)
2 TBS Worcestershire sauce
olive oil
2 medium potatoes
2 sprigs fresh oregano
2 sprigs fresh thyme
1 tsp fresh parsley chopped
1 tsp beef Bullion
3 garlic cloves smashed
 salt to taste

Get the leaves off your sprigs of herbs and finely chop them all together. Place aside.
Cut potatoes so they are smaller than your mushrooms, they take longer to cook so you want them to all be done at the same time and not have mooshy mushrooms.
Cut your bacon into good sized pieces. I like to know I'm really eating bacon when I take a spoonful of this toss.
With aluminium foil create a tray with good sized sides. (Give it enough room so you can bring the sides into the middle to form a mini lid).
Spray the foil with non stick spray.
Put the potatoes, bacon and mushrooms on the foil. Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle on the herbs and beef bullion powder and salt on mixture.... roll up your sleeves and toss it through with your hands.
Nestle the garlic cloves on the bottom under the mushroom mixture.
When ready place it on your grill and fold the edges of the foil inwards to keep some of the steam in. Let it sit on there without stirring for about 15-20 minutes.
Vegetables should be starting to soften, Drizzle on your Worcestershire sauce over the top. With a spoon start mix/stir the vegetables and let them sit again, open the foil and continue to stir and then mix your toss until the potatoes are completely cooked through. 
Remove from grill and plate as you desire.!

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