Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Creamy Mushroom and Smoked Gouda Burger

Sauteed Mushroom and onion, a seasoned beef patty, melted soft gouda cheese on a toasted sesame bun.  Need I say more?
Prepared Perfect Hamburger Patty (see recipe)
4 oz Cream cheese softened(1/2 a brick)
1 punnet button mushrooms chopped into small pieces
1/2 a small onion medium finely chopped
2 tbsp Salted Butter
1 tsp beef bullion
Sliced Smoked Gouda cheese(regular gouda cheese would be great too of course)
Hamburger buns. (Feel free to experiment with different rolls I recommend a soft roll though rather than a harder bread)


Heat a saucepan on the stove to medium to low  heat. Add butter and melt. combine mushrooms and onions to the pan and saute and sweat them until they are really soft. 

While they are cooking sprinkle the beef bullion granules on top and blend in.

Once they are completely softened remove them from the heat and allow them to sit and cool a little for 5 minutes or so. 
In a small mixing bowl place the cream cheese and mushroom mixture together and stir until well combined. The beef bullion will spread through out the cheese and give it a great beefy flavor for the burgers.

Heat BBQ grill to a medium heat. 

While grill is heating butter the rolls generously so they are ready to go on the grill when needed.
Once grill is ready , spray with non stick spray and cook the patties .. generally only turning once, never EVER squish your patties down. This is squeezing all the juice and moisture out of them. Slow and steady will keep your patties nice and juicy.

After turning patties place your buns on the grill also, if you need to press gently to have all the areas of the bun toasting. Remove quickly when done to your preference.
When patties are almost ready place your slices of cheese on top of them and close the BBQ lid to quickly melt the cheese on top.

Remove when the cheese is melted and gooey!

To put the burgers together place the patty on the bottom bun, spoon a generous amount of the mushroom mixture on top and spread it out. Place the bun top on and allow the heat from the patty and top of the bun to melt the cream cheese mushroom mixture.

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