Sunday, January 31, 2010

Leftover Alfredo Pastries

Using leftovers from the "Perfect Alfredo" recipe, and some sheets of puff pastries in my freezer I concocted this little meal for my family. It was a hit so I am posting it, try it and see what you think too!


Left over Perfect Alfredo - refridgerated until solid
5 slices plain thick cut bacon, fat removed
1 or 2 sheets puff pastry depending on how much leftovers you have.

Heat oven to 400. F
Cut bacon into small pieces and cook in a pan to your preferred crispy stage.
Allow your puff pastry to defrost, and on lightly floured surface roll it out a bit. 
With a knife cut your solid alfredo leftovers into a square or rectangle shape. (see picture)
Cut out desired size of pastry, enough to wrap around teh entire piece of alfredo.
Place alfredo and wrap pastry around it. tucking and squishing in corners and edges, so that when cooking there are no holes for the creamy alfredo sauce to come out.
Whisk an egg and a tsp of milk together and lightly brush over your pastry.
Repeat for all leftovers.- I made mini pastries for my kids so feel free to do what you like size wise.
Put foil on top of a cookie sheet and bend up the edges to catch any juices that may escape while cooking so it won't make your oven dirty.
Allow to cook for approximately 20 minutes, until pastry is cooked and the inside is bubbling. It's easy to tell this by the steam and bubbles moving the pastry. Your pastry should be dark golden brown.
Like I said this is largely dependant on how many leftovers you have.


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