Friday, April 10, 2009

Teriyaki Beef Stirfry

Hot, steaming, and super fast this recipe is always a quick winner in my house. With only a few main ingredients you can whip this meal up in 20 minutes. Change it up with your own favorite vegies!.Hot


1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cups thinly sliced beef (see Beef Prep instructions)
1 packet Teriyaki Yakisoba noodles (walmart or smith's refridgerated section - near the tofu and wonton wrappers)
1/4 cup "Yoshidas" savory sauce (you can find this at costco, it's a great investment for you kitchen)
1/2 tsp fresh garlic chopped finely
1/3 cup thinly sliced carrots (Cut as thin and slice as small as possible, this meal cooks so fast you need your vegies to cook fast as well)
Snow peas or Bean cut in half
1/2 cup Cashews

Note: This is an extremely fast cooking meal. Be prepared.. have all your ingredients already cut, measured and sitting next to your stove to quickly throw in the pan.

Heat oil in Pan put in garlic, stir quickly until fragrant and then quickly add beef before it burns. Allow it to quickly cook (it is thin it will be done in 1 minute so you need to watch and move fast) put in carrots. While the carrots are softening heat up noodles in microwave as instructed on the packet. Sprinkle the seasoning from the noodle packet on the beef and carrots, add water recommended on packet.

Add softened noodles and stir until completely combined. Add Yoshidas sauce (from costco) and allow the sauce to thicken and cook down slightly. You want it to be saucy,the noodles will quickly soak up the juices while it sits so do not over cook it and serve immediately for maximum juicyness and tasty flavor

Beef Prep: Sometimes when I buy a roast it's too large for my family so I cut it in half and freeze the other half. Now is a great time to use that other frozen left over roast.. semi defrost it and then with a really sharp non serated knife cut it paper thin. When it's semi-frozen it's easy to slice this way. the thinner the more tender and quicker it will cook. You can also buy a flank steak as was directed in this recipe (remember to cut against the grain) also slicing paper thin. It should be see through.


  1. i can't find this recipe. i just see a picture- looks so good!
    -marina pett
