Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stuffed Coconut Prawns

This is a huge favorite in my family. While my recipe is made to be an asian dish it can be turned into a southwestern meal simply by changing the dipping sauces you serve it with.

20 Large green king prawns (get the largest uncooked shrimp you can find if you aren't near fresh seafood)deviened and butterflied
125 grams (.27 lb) chicken breast, finely chopped
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp coriander (cilantro) stems finely chopped
half teaspoon white pepper
2 slices finely chopped ginger
1 tsp fish sauce
2 tbsp coconut cream

2 tsp sambel olek
1 tbsp very finely chopped lemon grass, tender part only (If you can't get your hands on lemon grass substitute for half teaspoon lemon zest)
1 cup plain flour
1 cup corn flour
enough soda water to make a batter consistency of pouring cream
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut

1. If you have a mortar use it .. if not grind up and pound as best you can the garlic, peppercorns, coriander root and ginger into a paste.
2. Place finely chopped chicken into food processor with coconut cream and process to a paste. Add garlic coriander paste and fish sauce.
3. Place in fridge to chill for 2 hours
4. Fill butterfly prawns down their butterflied backs with chicken mixture.

To Cook

1. Combine flours, lemon grass, sambel olek in bowl, add enough soda water to make thin batter. 2. Carefully roll prawns in some plain flour, dip into batter, then roll in coconut.(put only half of your coconut in a bowl at a time otherwise it will all get goopy and gross quickly)
3. Heat 2 cups of vegetable oil in wok (or use deep fryer), deep fry prawns in batches of six until crisp and golden, about 5 minutes. Cut open to one to make sure they are cooked all the way through. The chicken stuffing and shrimp should be a solid white colour.

Serve immediately with a dipping sauce. I love the Sweet and Sour or the cucumber relish

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