Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spicey Tomato Mozerella Pesto Salad

Spicey Tomato  Mozerella Pesto Salad

Recently I was at the store on my way to work and I thought to myself "What do I want to eat today" and this is what I came up with. This salad is ready in 2 minutes! super easy, healthy and satisfying, my kids even love it. This amount feeds about 4 as a medium side.

1/4 cup of pickled Tamed Jalepenos slices
1 ball of mozerella pearls (found this in the specialty cheese section)
1/4 cup basil pesto
4 cups of cherry or grape tomatoes

Seperate mozerlla pearls, place all ingredients in a bowl, mix briefly with spoon to make sure pesto is covering evenly and presto - did I mention this was fast? Lunch is DONE! If you want to add the pesto spoon by spoon according to your liking you can. Some people don't love pesto as much as me.

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