Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stir Fry of Pork with Chili Jam and Lime

Recipe Courtesy "The Spirit House" Cooking School


400 gms (.88 lbs) Pork loin or fillet, cut into stir fry strips (the thinner you slice the quicker and more tender it cooks)
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
*2 tbsp of chili jam
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp palm sugar (or brown sugar)
2 tbsp lime juice
200 gms (0.44 lbs) green beans, topped and tailed , then blanched
2 tbsp Vegetable oil

Heat oil in wok to medium heat. Stir fry garlic until just starting to colour. Add pork and stir fry until nearly cooked. Add chili jam, fish sauce, palm sugar and lime juice and stir fry over high heat until the sauce has reduced to a thick coating consistency. Add beans, toss through to warm.
Serve with Jasmine rice or see recipe coconut rice.

* Chili Jam/paste is used in Tom Yum soups and many salad dressings. Don't confuse this product with Sambel Olek or ground chilis. Look for "Chili Paste with Soya Bean Oil" in your asian supermarket, some local supermarkets do carry it in the asian section as well.

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